The U.S. in Iraq: Taking Full Advantage of the Unipolar World
- Opinión
I. The war
1. The U.S. is carrying out a war that began in Afghanistan, not
Iraq, in which it is fully taking on the role of being the only world
superpower. From this position the U.S. chooses its enemy and
determines-by itself, consulting with nobody else-the procedures and means
of its intervention. A new world order is being consolidated in which
international institutions wilt before the only superpower, in which the
U.S. is the only truly sovereign territory on the planet.
2. This conflict signals that the U.S. is now beginning to fully
exploit the advantages of the now unipolar world. This began with the
declaration of the 'war on terrorism' after 9-11, but in fact was planned
long before. 'Terrorism,' that labile and malleable word, is coming to
replace the global enemy that the U.S. has been missing since the end of
the Cold War. (Drug trafficking was never really threatening enough to
play that role, and has now been relegated to a subordinate role, as in
3. The fundamental objective of the war on Iraq is to affirm U.S.
world dominance or hegemony, and serves as a demonstration of the
ability to destroy any opposing force that can be defined as a
threat, whether it is a nation or not, and to destroy it by the means that
the U.S. alone deems adequate. This is not just a question of force, but
of manufacturing consent toward absolute U.S. hegemony. We are being
presented with but two alternatives: a) Consent based on a real belief in
the U.S. role as unimpeachable global policeman, and guardian of liberty
and order, or b) Consent based on resignation in the face of a
political-military force so powerful and unstoppable that it would make no
sense to oppose it.
4. This is played out as the affirmation of the power of the U.S.
state apparatus and U.S. corporations - already woven together in a
single conglomerate - a power which is not subordinate to any higher
authority, not the United Nations, not NATO, not foreign governments,
nothing. It is also played out in the general deterioration of all forms
of political, institutional and juridical mediation when confronted with
the new 'decisiveness' of the U.S. in declaring a state of exception in
which all normal checks and balances are suspended.
5. Of course there are economic objectives behind the war, ranging
from control over petroleum to profiteering in reconstruction
contracts, but they do not fully explain the decision to go to war.
The strategic interest of Capital (with a capital 'C') is to colonize
every last corner of the world, and to 're-design' our social and
political relations, to remove all obstacles to, and grant all facilities
to, ever more mobile and globalized capital. Not just the invasion of
Iraq, but rather the entire construct of a perpetual 'war on terror' is
functional in terms of the strategic medium and long term interests of
large corporations (U.S. or not).
6. We should remember that the U.S. had previously encountered many
obstacles and difficulties in fully taking advantage of being the only
post-Cold War superpower. These ranged from the trade deficit, the weak
dollar, the fiscal crisis, economic stagnation and the instability of
world markets, to more political cultural challenges, like the more or
less anti-capitalist uprising in Seattle and the growing critiques of the
'single model' and its application. Facing the risk of reaching an
'inflection point' in the long-term U.S. counter-offensive that began as a
response to the oil crisis and the disaster in Vietnam, the most
radicalized sectors in the U.S. have decided go on the attack. [These
radicalized sectors are vast and diverse, and cannot simply be reduced to
Bush and the personalities that surround him.] The World Trade Center
incident played a dialectic role in this situation, both generating real
concern about vulnerability, and providing a propagandistic pretext for
going on a new offensive. To a certain extent we are seeing a repetition
of the Reagan era success of going on the offensive just when the U.S.
appeared to be surrounded by national liberation and socialist movements,
an offensive which ended with the collapse of the USSR. [Although this
time there doesn't appear to be much expectation that the situation could
become critical for the imperial power.]
II. Opposing the war
1. This new kind of war necessitates a renovation of anti-war
thinking. It is not enough to speak out against war in general
terns, nor to dust off traditional condemnations of U.S.
interventionism. We need to denounce and build global opposition to the
'war on terrorism' and its global projections.
2. The goal is not just to stop the invasion of Iraq, but also to
stop the next invasions and interventions that will certainly follow,
beyond any doubt (in fact if we look carefully we can see that they have
already been announced). Their pretext will be a notion of 'terrorism'
that goes beyond the Middle East, beyond Islam and beyond those nations
and organizations that might have any connection to terrorist practices,
to include anything or anybody contrary to, or even reticent about U.S.
power. Therefore we must build a far-reaching consciousness and
3. The current conflict is not just a product of the reckless
adventurism of a small group of mediocre and corrupt politicians
linked to multinational corporations. We are talking about a much
broader system of power that can mobilize the war machinery and
logistics, but which uses as front men a series of personalities who are
more like publicity agents and symbols of leadership then they are the
people who really design the policies. Therefore the anti-war movement
must work more to expose the system of power than to just pick on its
4. This undeclared war is just the most openly destructive component of
corporate globalization in all areas of life. Our anti-war tactics must
be part of a general global strategy to oppose this imposed form of
globalization, and in favor of a different kind of globalism. The
destruction of war must be linked to the ecological devastation,
generalized impoverishment, creation of new forms of exploitation, and
alienation produced by globalization. The 'structural reforms' so many
countries have suffered are part of the same set of global policies as the
5. The point then, we think, is to not put all our eggs in the
basket that this will be 'another Vietnam.' We need an anti-war
strategy that doesn't just work when the intervention forces get
bogged down in a quagmire that lasts months or even years, but that also
works when they achieve more less rapid victories. Every successful
'blitzkrieg' will rapidly lead to another, and even a military setback,
unless it is accompanied by a worldwide mobilization, -- not just antiwar
but also anti-capitalist--, will only produce a momentary pause while
military tactics are adjusted, and not the end of the 'war on terrorism.'
6. The war in Iraq is but a chapter in a operation which is planned to go
on for a long time and in many places. Our first challenge is to make
this chapter into the last chapter, regardless of its military outcome.
We must make it too politically costly to carry out future operations of
this kind. These bellicose operations will not just run out of steam of
their own accord, nor because the U.S. suddenly becomes truly
'humanitarian.' They can only be stopped by an active, global and
growing opposition. In this light we have been helped by the quick and
massive peace mobilizations already generated by images of U.S. brutality.
7. All of the justifications for the war trotted out by Bush have
been exposed and have fallen by the wayside, and the only one left is that
of turning Iraq into a 'democracy' under U.S. tutelage. We must denounce
this idea of 'freedom at bayonet point' along with the erosion of civil
liberties on a global scale produced by this American war (even the
Internet is facing censorship like the blocking of web sites).
8. U.S. power is trying to turn its particular form of barbarism
into the model for 'civilization.' With that as the starting point, it
attacks any and all opposition or even reticence. It wants to destroy
those nation-states that lack pro-U.S. policies, to destroy OPEC, to
destroy any remaining countries that retain non-capitalist systems, and to
destroy non-governmental organizations and movements that struggle against
local or regional manifestations of power. We must make it clear that
future targets of 'pre-emptive anti-terrorist wars' might include, -- and
probably will include, if not stopped by global mobilizations and more
creative forms of boycott and sabotage - a range running from Venezuela,
Iran, North Korea, Cuba, China, and Syria, to the Zapatistas in Mexico and
the FARC in Colombia.
III. After the war
1. There will be no post-war period, but rather the prelude to the next
operation, to the next attack on another member of the 'axis of evil,' or
on anyone defined as a threat to free trade, the interests of U.S.
corporations, or democracy. It might not be a nation, it might be an
organization, or even a geographic location like the Triple Frontier
region of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. In reality the issue is not the
existence of a real or fake 'threat,' the issue is the attempt to
homogenize the world under the 'market economy' (read monopoly capitalism)
and parliamentary democracy (of a model more and more based on apathy and
demobilization). In fact this is explicit in Bush's discourse, and even
appears in writings (see "U.S. Security Strategy," by Raul Kollman).
2. There is no room for 'humanitarian aid' to the victims of military
escalation, because this ends up facilitating further military action.
What we need is on-going denunciation of the new imperial order.
3. We must integrate the anti-war message with a broader critique of
capitalism in its current form. The war is just one 'front' in the
imposition of a world order based on capital accumulation and the threat
of force.
4. In the era of globalization we cannot just struggle at the
national or regional level. The powers that be try to convince the
subalterns that 'beautiful' means small, dispersed and individual,
even as they mount a gigantic process of concentration and
centralization of power and of economic, social and cultural capital on a
global scale. The way to fight these tendencies is to forge a new
'internationalism' out of the rebellion of the exploited, the alienated
and the disfavored. This cannot be based on centralization and forced
unification, but rather on the identification of common objectives and
the articulation of collective actions over the long term.
5. A world without war is a world without the power of capitalism.
It is not enough to be a 'pacifist,' nor to be 'anti-American.' A
truly effective anti-war movement must at its core be
anti-capitalist. The old phrase of Rosa Luxemburg, "socialism or
barbarism," takes on new importance in today's world.
IV. Argentina
1. Ensconced in the State, the greater part of the establishment is 'in
bed with, but not too in bed with,' the U.S., via policies based on the
same general lines as those of Menem, minus his worst excesses. Thus they
refuse to condemn the war, and they offer humanitarian aid for
reconstruction, but they don't send troops or adhere explicitly to
imperial policy.
2. Discussion of the war and the anti-war movement are strong in
Argentina, but not strong enough. We need to do a better job of
exposing the virtually global character of U.S. actions. Iraq may be far
away, but Colombia is much closer, and the Triple Frontier is around the
corner, and encompasses part of our national territory.
3. Raising consciousness that the bombs in Baghdad are but a chapter in a
much longer book, a book which will not be willingly erased by its authors
but only by those who struggle against it, is the fundamental task. This
is more true in societies like ours that are not directly involved in the
war, either by geographic proximity or by official participation in the
U.S. coalition.
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Guerra y Paz
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