Magazine: Reflections for a public education oriented to human dignity for all. Co-edition ALAI / CLADE.
América Latina en movimiento - magazine
América Latina en Movimiento - magazine
Periodical magazine of current affairs and Latin American thinking
Critical readings of regional issues
Analysis of social processes
Contemporary issues in debate.
An essential source of information for opinion leaders, social leaders, political activists, journalists and the media, study centers, training schools, public servants, development or solidarity organizations, among others.
It is a joint effort of analysts, thinkers, organizations, writers and communicators who are committed to social causes.
It contains information and notes of reflection complementary to those found in the database of this Web site.
The regular Spanish editions can be found here.
The following are occasional English editions.
Approaches for defining a digital justice agenda in view of the impact of the digital corporate monopoly model.
The geopolitical dispute
Sofía Scasserra
An overview of the 11th Ministerial Conference of the WTO
Deborah James
Transnational corporations’ agenda on e-commerce
Sally Burch
Inequitable WTO rules in Agriculture
Ranja Sengupta
Sally Burch
The importance of intellectual property malleability
Pedro Cagigal
Power and Democracy on the Net
Sally Burch
Information Flow and Power
Julian Assange
The Multistakeholder Model and Neo-liberalism:
“Post-democratic” Internet Governance
Michael Gurstein
Interview with Robert McChesney:
How can Internet be De-monopolized?
Sally Burch