July 25-30, 2004

1st Americas Social Forum - Another America is Possible

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ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE, is the motto that has brought thousands of people together in the World Social Forum initiative, which has held four events to date, three in Porto Alegre, Brasil, and one in Mumbai, India. As part of this initiative continental Forums are also taking place. America will celebrate its first Forum in Quito. Why do so many people worldwide feel drawn to this initiative? We can find the answer by observing the consequences that neoliberal globalization has brought amongst our peoples. Today there is much more poverty, and many of the riches of our countries have gone straight into the hands of giant transnational corporations; political institutions have been undermined by corruption and a lack of credibility. The world is much less secure, and we see war break out, and different forms of violence, fundamentalism, and terrorism are increasing. The natural world is deteriorating and many human values such as solidarity, cooperation, and fraternity disappear behind the individualism and competition at all costs that is brought with the predominance of the logic of the market. Faced with this unjust situation, in which very few grow richer and concentrate more power each day, while millions are excluded and discriminated against, there is a hope that has emerged all over the world, a path, a common proposal that ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE. In the space created by the Americas Social Forum, an OTHER POSSIBLE AMERICA is thought and dreamed - more human, more just, more democratic, without discriminations of any kind- neither of gender, race, or ethnicity, nor for sexual orientation; where human beings learn to live in harmony with nature and our fellow beings. Alternatives, processes and actions that bring us closer to this shared dream are also being discussed. In unity forged within a very ample diversity, workshops, seminaries, panels, conferences, round tables and testimonials are being developed. These events tackle the issues that are of the most interest to the majority- education for all, efficient and accessible health services, the right to a worthy and dignified life, the fight against poverty, creation of a true democracy, peace and security for all. There are also artistic activites and audiovisual presentations. There will be parties because we are celebrating our cultural richness and the nobleness of our goals. Quito will receive thousands of sisters and brothers from all parts of the continent, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, who have chosen this city as the space in which to think together and act in conjunction for the OTHER POSSIBLE AMERICA.
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