Open letter to humanity

Bolsonaro's monstrous genocidal government has gone from being just a threat to Brazil to becoming a truly global threat.

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This text, drawn up by many hands and heads, is the fruit of helplessness. The pandemic is killing our people. We do not know who to turn to, because those who could do something do not do it, for mysterious designs that we suspect what they mean. The decimation of our people is equivalent to 6 Paraguayan wars, in which 50 thousand Brazilian soldiers died. We cannot stand by without indignation and do nothing about this internal war, whose enemy is within our country and occupying the highest office in the nation. But there is humanity, that still has "humanity" in the name of which we have recourse. Our fear is that the death instinct of our president wants to affect all of humanity from Brazil and more directly our neighbours with the highly dangerous Amazonian virus. It has already invaded the whole country and has reached the USA. It is a question of saving lives and humanity itself, at risk of not being able to regenerate itself completely. It is for ethical and humanitarian reasons that we have published this manifesto, translated into several languages. We ask you to subscribe to it in order to create the political conditions to find someone who cherishes life, does not extol violence nor is indifferent in the face of the death of thousands of our compatriots. There are no more handkerchiefs to wipe away so many tears, nor the possibility of a last farewell. Repeating the words of a Scottish Franciscan bishop of the 13th century against the excessive extortion of taxes: we do not accept, we refuse and we rebel against this situation which is inimical to life. Leonardo Boff






"We live in dark times, where the worst people have lost their fear and the best have lost hope." Hannah Arendt


Brazil screams for help.


Brazilian women and Brazilian men committed to life are being held hostage by the genocidal Jair Bolsonaro, who holds the presidency of Brazil, along with a gang of fanatics driven by fascist irrationality.


This man without humanity denies science, life, protection of the environment and compassion. Hatred of others is his reason for exercising power.


Brazil today suffers from the intentional collapse of the health system. The neglect of vaccination and basic preventive measures, the encouragement of crowd-gathering and breaking confinement, combined with the total absence of a health policy, create the ideal environment for new mutations of the virus and endanger all of humanity. We watch in horror the systematic extermination of our people, especially the poor, quilombolas (communities of former slaves) and indigenous peoples.


Bolsonaro's monstrous genocidal government has gone from being just a threat to Brazil to becoming a truly global threat.


We appeal to our national institutions – STF (Supreme Court), OAB (Organization of Brazilian Lawyers), the National Congress, CNBB (the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops) - and to the United Nations. We urge the International Criminal Court (ICC) to condemn the genocidal policy of this government that threatens civilization.


Life above all else!



This text was done collectively and has already received support from Bishop Mauro Morelli, Father Júlio Lancellotti, Leonardo Boff, Chico Buarque de Holanda, Carol Proner, Zélia Ducan, Michael Löwy, Eric Nepomuceno, Ladislau Dawbor, Frei Betto, Yves Lesbaupin, Regina Zappa, Emir Sader and others.


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