Worthless Dollars

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I fear the global financial crisis of 2008 was never resolved; it just crawled on until 2020.


I think they are going to repeat the same mistake of giving away public money to investment banks, so that they return to the gambling halls of the stock exchanges to buy and buy in order to raise the values that had collapsed and thus inflate their assets to avoid bankruptcies.


This was done under the pretext that public money was given to them so that they could give more credits to investors in the real economy that produces goods and services. The donations of public money to the banks received the euphemistic name of Quantitative Easing.


The Colossal Debt that expands throughout the Western financial system, is due in large part to a sort of financial betting called Derivatives that belong to the same family of Subprime Mortgages where money continued to be lost. The disaster is so gigantic that this time Quantitative Easing will be exponential. Money will be worth nothing. An Inflation similar to that of Weimar will come.


Inflation is a robbery of people who receive wages. It is a way of devaluing debts. Is it the way we will get out of the Dollar system supported on debts and only debts?


The underlying problem is the US dollar and the Federal Reserve's ability to issue it. The FED is nothing more than a private financial consortium that usurped (1910) the functions of issuing money and debt that the United States Constitution assigns to the Secretariat of the Treasury.


The history of the Federal Reserve reveals that very powerful bankers such as J. P. Morgan have inordinate control over the formation and administration of monetary policy in the United States.  Due to their power over the Fed and a bribable Congress.


Nor does the FED have, even remotely, the reserves to back the money it issues. Like all banks. At any given time, banks have just 3-10% of all issued credit held in reserve as banknotes. The FED doesn’t have even that much


So the Federal Reserve is neither truly federal, nor much less a reserve.


The FED is not owned or controlled directly by the United States government.


The fact that the words "United States Federal Reserve System" are printed on every US banknote raises serious questions.


The Federal Reserve system was created in the utmost secrecy, in 1910, one night at the Jekyll Island complex by several powerful men with close ties to the Rockefellers, the JP Morgan family and the Rothschilds, the wealthiest and most powerful of the world at that time.


A drafted version of the legislation was finally passed in 1913, despite objections from many who feared that handing over control of the nation's money supply to a consortium of private bankers would inevitably produce more wealth only for the ultra-wealthy at the expense of the public in general.


Virtually everyone agrees that the Fed is very secretive. The Federal Reserve System is actually a scheme to enrich a few wealthy bankers at the expense of the working public and savers.


With the abandonment of the gold standard, the FED became, in practice, a parasite of the productive activity of the whole world, in order to enrich the few bankers who own it.


Those bankers should be accountable to an International Criminal Court. But that will not happen without the United States unleashing a Third World War.


That may be the reason for the permanent growth of Pentagon spending when no one threatens the US militarily. No one is menacing the US; it is rather the US continuously menacing the rest of the World.


The possible alternative to War, if the Dollar-based world monetary system is to be changed, is to convene a meeting to agree on a currency based on a gold standard or on something with intrinsic value. The present system is collapsing and unsustainable. Its basis and guarantee are the private financial complicities around the Federal Reserve. To return to a gold standard. It would be advisable to revisit Lord Keynes's proposal for a BANCOR, as a world currency


The prosperity or ruin of the workers and entrepreneurs of the entire world cannot continue to depend on the worthless papers issued by the Federal Reserve of the United States of America. The indebted country should be renamed the United States of the Federal Reserve.


Almeria 25/10/2020


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