Are imperialism and its lackeys paper tigers?

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Just before or immediately after the application of the famous Manifest Destiny of the white racist and fascist bourgeoisie of the United States, during the XIX and XX centuries, believing they were the kings of the world they fixed a time limit to put an end to a government that was not convenient to them. Their goals were fulfilled with fire and blood, without caring about the number of victims generated.


The ideological argumentation began with the famous Manifest Destiny, that President James Monroe subsequently turned into the Monroe Doctrine: “America for the Americans”, and even, with this arrogance, supported England, participating in the dispute between England and Venezuela for the territories of Guyana, belonging to our country.


From there on, there were innumerable military interventions in Our America, the last one being in Panama, in 1989, against the government of General Noriega, whom they used and disused and when he no longer served them they removed him from power, thirty years ago, causing hundreds of deaths, in the majority Afro-Panamanians from the El Chorillo district.


The United States, above all during the Reagan administration, became the centre of the world, with the fall of the Soviet block and a weakened China... they boasted persuasively, singing “We are the world”... Today the gravitational centre of the world has changed, the unipolar world is no longer in Washington D.C.


Russia has recovered and China is today the world power that began its process with its four modernizations as from 1978, under the motto “the colour of the cat is not important, what matters is that it chases the rat”. If we can look back, we can see that in spite of the thousands of mercenaries and the creation of paramilitary groups, they could not defeat Syria. They tried with North Korea and Trump ended up with his tail between his legs. They threatened Russia and the Russian President demonstrated how various missiles breaking the sound barrier could blow up the Pentagon, Washington or Florida in a matter of minutes. And finally China, with their project of the Silk Road supported by over a hundred countries, renewed the motto of Mao TSE Tung, “imperialism and their lackeys are paper tigers”.


The immorality of supporting the Guairenian ventriloquist


We have seen how the US mainstream press has been unraveling the corruption of the interim government that the Trump administration imposed on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Corruption ranging from the border hotchpotch of the international festival in Cúcuta and humanitarian aid, in complicity with the narco-paramilitary Colombian President, Iván Duque, to the robbery that they have committed against the mixed Venezuelan company CITGO. Even sectors of the opposition elites have been airing the robbery of millions of dollars that the US government had given to the elitist sector of the opposition that is increasing debilitated. The most shameful act has been the declaration by the US assassin assigned to Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, that they will continue supporting the deflated interim, Guaidó... We are in a world of surrealism or magic realism. Now, even several European countries no longer mention Guaidó, and barely fifty countries could be assembled in support of the ventriloquist of The Guaira. The Lima Group has disappeared from the map, it no longer emits opinions, since one of its leaders, Brazilian president Bolsonaro, is having a rough time since one of his secretaries was found with several kilos of cocaine on landing in Spain. In truth Trump, his rabid dogs and Latin American lackeys have lost the principle of reality... Freud catches them confessed.



(Translated for ALAI by Jordan Bishop)
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